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The debate between paid porn v free porn is one that has raged on as long as the internet has been around and is partly responsible for's existence. Being in the adult industry for over 20 years we're on the affirmative when it comes to paying for porn, but also see that with the right discount price and offering our followers great value is a balance that serves both sides on the debate. Listed below are some of the reasons why we feel paying for porn is the winner on this hot topic.

Seven Reasons Why You Should Pay For Porn

Everyone wants something for nothing, and everyone's looking for that ultimate porn video, the one that's going to get you off like no other, and most of all, cost nothing. So, what do you do? You run an internet search for 'free porn', and find over five and a half billion links. There's your first challenge; which ones to browse?

Start at page one and wade through a few thousand, and you'll find porn tubes, hubs and caves. You'll find silver this and gold that, free sites with obscure titles such as sonorous and moocrh, and plenty that are simply combinations of letters, mainly with an overuse of the letter X. Confusing, right? It gets more so. Many of these sites are the same collections but with different names, and that's my first issue with free porn. There's so much of it, yet you've seen it all before.

When you want good and specific porn, you need to join a membership site, and here are seven reasons why.

1. Free Porn of the Past is Still With Us

Remember the early days of online porn? Page after page of video stills, hundreds of pop-up adverts, flashing arrows, and endless clicks that led you around in circles? (Or worse, directed you to sites will illegal content.) Be careful of the site you choose, because some free porn sites are still like that. The larger, better-known ones, however, are slick and honest. They don’t mess you about, they offer premium memberships, and they give you masses of free porn. However, they can also present a heap of frustration and a lot of wasted time.

2. Frustrations

The most frustrating thing about 'free porn' is that what you see is rarely the full scene. Nine out of ten times, the scene will cut out at or just before the cum shot. That's like someone knocking on the bathroom door when you're on the vinegar stroke.

Free porn is often presented as off-cuts from a longer scene, with the promise of being able to see the entire scene once you are registered or signed up. It's infinitely better to start at the beginning of a decently made porn flick and watch all 25 minutes than it is to see selections of bits and pieces. To do that, you need a pay-for site.

3. Quality and Experience

Free porn sites tend to offer something for everyone, and nothing for no-one. I am looking at arguably the world's largest free porn collection right now, and wherever I move my mouse, I cause a drop-down list to appear. Under one menu tab, I have twelve choices of how to view, while under another, I have a barrage of category headings to confuse me, and under a third, I have a choice of thousands of models to read about. This is without the obligatory 'fuck now' link that leads to an affiliate dating site, and the permanent offer of 'free cams' which are, ultimately, never free. And then there are the gifs, flashing images and adverts. Distracting, to say the least.

Member sites are far more focused. They are less confusing to navigate, and although free sites have similar tools (category lists, filters and search tags, for example) there's so much on one page it's hard to know where to look.

Join a membership site, and you are someone special because you are contributing to the upkeep of that site. Therefore, you are valued. Pay sites want you to be part of a specialist community, and they offer member-only benefits such as community forums. In some cases, they allow you to contact the models, and you can easily contact the webmasters who reply and care about you because you are their vested interest, their investment.

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4. Security

You have fewer security fears inside a membership site than when you are surfing free porn sites.

In 2018, Ask Cyber Security wrote: Adult and Porn sites track you, the same way other ecommerce websites track their users. Porn websites are a business, one of the largest bandwidth industries online. In 2016, PornHub, reported that nearly 3,110 Petabytes of porn was viewed by their users.

Some of the less reputable free porn sites not only track but also misdirect. You're led through a forest of temptations, just one more click, and you'll see the full scene… until you're way off where you started from, and your screen is full of pop-ups. This is how it was in the old days, and it still happens. Because of it, the security of some free porn sites remains an issue.

5. The Cost of Free Porn

'Free cam sites' are never free. An initial browse and non-nude chat might cost you nothing, but at some point, you're going to have to pay for the nude and fun stuff. It's better to join a membership site and know what you're going to get for your money before you start.

Responsible adult sites need to sell you their products to survive. This means they must abide by a set of rules, an honour code if you like, and were they to rip you off, they'd soon lose their good reputation. Therefore, good adult sites are run as a business that seeks not only to make money but also to look after their members. Imagine if you opened a fancy restaurant and found yourself with a Michelin star or two. That achieved, you then let standards drop. You lose your star, you lose your customers, you lose your investment. Adult sites have the same philosophy, whereas a site that simply puts up other people's work is never responsible for the quality of that work. All they might have to lose are a few non-paying surfers, and because they're non-paying, those surfers won't complain if what they see is bad.

Signing up to a membership site is not that expensive, and many offer special discount deals, particularly at holiday times. Here are some examples.

Adulttime ( Probably the largest collection of quality porn on the net, Adult Time brings together the work of over 250 porn producers, and now has over 55,000 full-length, quality movies in HD. The asking price is $9.95 per month, and the 12-month offer works out at $9.95 per month. Less than the price of a couple of cups of coffee.

VideosZ ( is another one. "Their library is one of the largest and highest quality collections of adult DVDs anywhere." ( Secure membership to this collection costs $0.33 cents per day, and in return, you have content from 90 adult sites in one place, and over 20,300 porn scenes with no hassles or disappointments.

6. Review Sites are Your Saviour

If you're still not convinced that what you see on a pay-for site's tour is what you are going to get once you've paid, then use a review site.

These independent analysers of the adult world make it their mission to bring you honest reviews of member's areas. Their reviewers are given access to everything you will see when you join, and they report back exactly what they find. These truthful reviews save you time and money, and highlight the best value deals.

Here are a few highly trusted review sites that we recommend:

7. The Ethical Thing

There is, of course, the ethical thing. How do you know that what you see on a free porn site has permission to be there? How do you know that the actors you are watching were properly paid, insured, and tested? Will the porn makers be properly compensated for having their work shared for free? How would you feel if your work was taken from you and plastered everywhere and there was nothing you could do about it? What does it feel like to be pirated?

Of course, there are plenty of free sites that act according to the rules; many of them will gain money when you follow their links and sign up to a membership site, but that's all part of the game. On the other hand, there are plenty of unscrupulous sites ripping off the adult industry, and the dangerous thing is, you won't know which sites they are. They are so good at appearing genuine, they fool you into supporting what's basically an illegal site that's making money out of someone else's work.

The Free Vs Paid-For Bottom Line

In the battle between free Vs paid-for, it comes down to survival. The more people pay to join membership sites, the more porn they can produce. On the reverse, the more porn that's given away for free, the fewer members paid-for sites will attract, and therefore, they'll make less porn. That will lead to free sites having less content, and if the cycle perpetuates, free porn will have eaten the hand that feeds it, and will disappear.

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